Woongsoo Na |
Hyoungchel Bae |
Peer aware communication has drawn great attentions recently in IEEE 802.15 WPAN WG. The previous wireless network standards such as WiFi or LTE use a central coordinator or AP. Whereas the peer aware communication (PAC) does not need additional infrastructure. Therefore, it can provide a variety of services and also has several advantages such as reduction of network management and battery consumption. The objective of this research is to study and develop novel PAC protocol and security primitive technologies for efficient and secure PAC services. |
Applications using PAC networks
PAC features include: |
discovery for peer information without association,
discovery signaling rate, typically 100 kbps,
the number of devices in the discovery,
scalable data transmission rates, typically 10 Mbps,
group communication with simultaneous membership in multiple groups, typically up to 10,
relative positioning,
multihop relay,
and operational in selected globally available unlicensed/licensed bands below 11 GHz capable of supporting these requirements. |
In this research, we develop the MAC protocol for PAC network. In order to peer aware communication, the following core functions need to be developed for PAC networks: |
- Fast Peer Detection technique develop
- Reduce the association overhead using control frame control
- Optimization resource management using directional antenna and power control
- Retailable Multi-hop group communication technique develop |